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Meet the 2020 NF Ambassador, Brianna Christine Worden!



Brianna was diagnosed with NF1 when she was two months old. She has a plexiform fibroma that encompasses her entire left side (excluding her leg). She also has renal artery stenosis and hypertension, bone disfigurements, chronic pain and fatigue, learning disabilities, scoliosis, and has endured over 10 surgeries, including three spinal fusions, a wrist stabilization, and three tumor debulkings to her left arm where, each time, three pounds of tumor was removed.



“With NF, every day is a gift and every day is a mystery...This disorder has taught me to enjoy the little things in life, to be positive, and live my life to the best that I can. I want to help others, whether they have NF or a different disability. I want to save lives, I want to inspire, and while NF doesn’t define who I am, it has helped me be the strong person I am today.”



She looks beautiful in her Ultimate gown and we are so proud of her.




Your friends at The Ultimate.